Train and cycling to Santa Perpetua de Mogoda and a Mango Outlet

It is a 20 minutes journey with the train from Plaza Catalunya to Santa Perpetua de Mogoda, and costs 2,20 euros each way. When you come out of the train turn right and then follow the main road which also has a bike lane on it. Following the bike lane till the river you'll get to a bridge where you need to cross the river , and on the other side follow the bike lane which goes more or less by the river. It is a very strange place , one side is with parking trucks and industrial buildings , the other is green hilly natural golf field type of landscape with a small river, destroyed by huge electrical poles. It is a straight road for quite a long while , on one point you can already enter the fenced off park or you can continue on the bike lane on the sidewalk. I f you go on the sidewalk soon you'll see a sign for the Mango Outlet, so if you want to do little shopping in the industrial zone before the picnic in the park , just follow those signs. Otherwise just go a head till you see the main entrance of the park , and check out the circle shaped fenced off, depressing lake and enjoy yourself in this place which looks like an illustration from the seventies, pretty surreal. There are many other people doing the same , enjoying the green grass, pine trees, mini railway, small river, geometrical landscape having some sandwiches. I wouldn't say it is a very beautiful place but this mixed atmosphere of the industrial zone, the super tidy park and the downtown-like shopping possibility is pretty inspiring.

Circle shaped lake , near Santa Perpetua de Mogoda

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