Beach and town of Ocata

You can take the train from Arc de Triomf direction to Blanes or Mataro, and in 20 minutes you'll be in Ocata. It has a spacious beach and a perfect view of Barcelona. The beach is cleaner and the sand is better than in Barcelona. The town itself is amazingly pretty, with a lot of small gardens and very pretty old houses. After the beach it definitely worth it to walk around, on it's cute little streets. The strange thing is that by the main road (the carretera national) the on sidewalk there are the same Gaudi tiles as on Passeig de Gracia, and there is a beautiful modernist building the Casino, which has a cute little patio with a restaurant in it and super delicious caffe, here the only problem is the noise of the cars , again just like in Les Planes in my previous post.

Tunnel from the beach to the town, very narrow and claustrophobic
You can see the even the Sagrada Familia's shape in the distance

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